Moments Of Tranquility

So yesterday I went to the beach and it’s one of the places that has me feeling all sorts of things. I was walking along the shore in peace, alone and every once in a while the waves would crash against my legs and leave me feeling unbalanced and then it’d rush back and I’d move further away from the tide. Whilst this was happening, a million things were rushing through my mind and I just stopped along the shore and began to think. It was a perfect moment of clarity. What was happening to me right there was a direct reflection of life, for just as the waves leave you feeling disorientated, the same thing happens with trials that afflict us. They leave us feeling unsettled as if we have been ripped apart from our roots. Just as I was moving further away from the waves, we do the same with problems, we walk or even run far away from them as if they are a disease that we really don’t want to catch. We don’t want to face them just as we don’t want to crash into the waves because suddenly it all becomes real and reality isn’t desirable.

I carried on walking along the shore in the same manner, thinking. There’s something about the sea that makes you yearn for Him, it makes you yearn for Jannah. If He made places like this in the Dunya which you might think are perfect, what must Jannah be like. Imagine how perfect Jannah would be. There’s something about the breeze that fills the air in moments like these that brings peace to your soul, if only for a moment because as with everything else, the Dunya comes crawling back and you are forced to release and detach from the moment. Moments are something that you cannot rely on because they all pass as they are momentary. Whilst they may only last for a short moment, they stay with you forever because of their impact on your existence.

There’s something about the sea, I just want to leap in and swim away. I want to float and let the waves take me in whichever direction they are going in. Imagine floating on the sea, imagine where it will carry you. Imagine the peace and serenity that will fill your whole body, this is something I think about a lot. The sense of freedom that would possess those moments is something I crave. So as I was looking out at sea, all these things were capturing my mind. I wanted to revel in those moments forever. Well, maybe not forever but for quite some time. Forever is only in Jannah. Whilst I am still on this Dunya, these moments will always bring me tranquillity. Peace that can only be found through Him.

As I walked along the pier whilst the sun was setting, hues of blue, purple, pink and red surrounded me from all around, it was a moment of wonder for me, and I could feel the wonder, the awe of what I was witnessing. Every time the sunset, in fact just the sky itself is in front of my eyes, the magnitude of those moments is inexpressible. It’s something that cannot be explained with words because it overwhelms me to the point where I cannot do anything but just stare in reverence. I think there is serenity hidden in the sun setting and the sun rising because you know that no matter what every day is going to begin with the sun rising and every day is going to end with the sun setting. The certainty is something which, as humans we don’t have about anything else so it’s important that we find certainty in things that Allah has created as a sign for us so that we may reflect.